Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Adventures

Initially, I thought it would be nice to do a daily note to Jenna. But I realized that's why I have her blog. Then I wanted to put down my notes from whatever I'm currently reading or working on, or a common theme to what I'm thinking for that day.

That's the goal... to essentially journal where I want to be and what my current train of thought is for the day. We'll see how long it lasts. I'm hoping to use this to chronical MY life, not Jenna's (like the other blog). That doesn't mean she won't be in here, she is a large chunk of my life, but this one's for me.

What spurred this... I'm currently reading "How We Choose to be Happy" and there was a speedwriting activity... Speed write, for ~ 4 minutes on one question. Don't worry about grammar, don't think, just write. Don't worry about right or wrong, whether it's good or bad or the perceptions of others... the question:

What makes me happy?

Here goes nuthin!

Flowers, reading, knitting, photography, friends, family, a clean house, a clean car, a full gas tank, passion, enthusiam, optimism, a manicure or pedicure, an open heart, Nick's hugs, date night, family outings, dressing up, personal alone time, working towards a goal, farmer's markets, snuggling up with Jenna, reading to Jenna, walking with Jenna, family walks, dessert time with Nick, day dreaming, writing.

So I realized some of these are super simple, and I almost NEVER do them! So, step one... get them down so I can reference them... step two, start the blog to track my progress... step three... start making myself happy!

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